
The Binary Narrative – Why is it so prevalent? (1/3) | Our Voices, Our Choices

The Binary gender narrative is one which speaks strictly in terms of men and women. This division was strongly influenced by European Christian colonialism and is neither natural nor without alternatives. Yet each and every day, people all over the world either classify themselves within the binary narrative, or are classified by others: be it in conversations through the use of pronouns, or by going to a public restroom, which in so many cases, forces one to choose between these two poles. How did this narrative become so dominant? Which parts of the world (still) look at gender differently? And how is LGBTQI+ activism changing this narrative? We look to Argentina, Thailand, Uganda, and many more countries for answers…

A podcast featuring:
• Alba Rueda, Undersecretary for Diversity Policy at the Ministry of Women's Affairs in Argentina
• Manuela Picq, Professor of International Relations at the University of San Francisco de Quito, Ecuador
• Sabine Hark, Technical University of Berlin, Director of the Center for Interdisciplinary Women's and Gender Research

Illustration: CC BY ND NC 4.0 Arinda Craciun

Diese Folge ist ein Teil der Podcastreihe:

This series hands the microphone to people whose voices don’t often get heard - people now making choices which don’t conform to laws or customs - or whose views have long been disregarded, even censored. Its about communities fighting for basic human rights and its about the diverse tools of their struggles. We discover how women are securing their rights through political protest, we look in detail at women’s reproductive rights and we go into LGBT communities worldwide.